StrandVision Digital Signage

715-235-SIGN (7446) |

Here is your Quarter 1 StrandVision Digital Signage newsletter
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Quarter 1 2020, Vol 15, Issue 1 Visit Site | Login | Share | Contact

Help For Challenging Times

No doubt you are concerned about your business. It would be unusual if you weren’t. With changes happening around the world, daily and sometimes hourly, responsive communication is extremely difficult and even more important now. With this in mind, we wanted to share tips to use your StrandVision Digital Signage system to instantly communicate to everyone on site or working remotely.

Remote Signage Playback

Our system can be viewed within employee and customer homes as well as your business location. Click on Signage Pages, View Signage to see the various playback options. The link shown in the "Set your signage as Favorite, Bookmark or Home Page" section can be shared with your employees or customers in an email.

Since the signage is currently using Adobe Flash for playback, remind your viewers that it is safe to click the "Run Adobe Flash" selection if a warning appears. We are rewriting the player to use html5 and javascript to remove this warning, but we still have months to go.

Emergency Message Override

We suspect that your messaging needs have dramatically changed since this outbreak and there will be times where new messages need to take priority. The Emergency Message system can make it easy to switch between different content while keeping your existing content available for when we get back to normal. You can learn more about the Signage Pages, Emergency Message system here. If you are a Hyatt hotel, please note that the emergency schedules are shared by all hotels so be sure to include your spirit code to identify which schedules are yours.

Software Discounts

Although StrandVision Digital Signage has definitely seen the calls and sales dramatically slow, we have the infrastructure in place to service several million signage players. So we have decided to offer lower cost service to help us all get through these difficult times.

Get Free Software

If your business has taken a hit like ours and you have the need to communicate with visitors or employees, we would like to offer you three months of our software service without obligation (and potentially longer). If you are a current customer, we will extend your subscription and if you are not with us yet, we will set you up with the software (you will need a Windows pc and screen if playing at your facility). Call us at or send an email to sales at with your contact information.

Help StrandVision by Extending your Subscription

If you are one of the lucky companies that have not been as negatively impacted by the Corona Virus and you are interested in helping the StrandVision team with some much needed income, we will extend your subscription at 10% off your renewal price. Call us if interested so that we can share a personal thank you for your continued trust and generosity.

StrandVision Digital Signage Move

In less pressing news, we moved to 6595 South Shore Drive in Altoona, WI 54720-2386 just before the Covid 19 outbreak. Since w wn the Menomonie location for the forseeable future, you can ship things to either address - although we are full time at the Altoona location. Our web, email and phone information is still the same. We also changed from a partnership to a sole proprietor on Jan 1. Click here to download an updated W9.

Stay Safe and Healthy

Know that our thoughts and prayers are with everyone and remember to take care of your family, people and most importantly yourself. It is easy to get overwhelmed, so take a few minutes every day to turn off the news and talk to friends and family about anything else. On behalf of the StrandVision team - stay safe and stay healthy. And remember we’re here to help where we can in hopes you know that you’re not in this alone.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC

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