StrandVision Digital Signage

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Here is your July StrandVision Digital Signage newsletter
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July 2009, Vol 4, Issue 7 Visit Site | Login | Share | Contact

Breaking News

StrandVision has a new web site

While that’s not "Breaking News" in and of itself, it is news because of the new look and what it brings to you.

For readers who haven’t yet signed up, the new Test Drive may be just what you’re looking for. With just a few easy steps you can create your own sign using one of our templates - you can add your own content with just a few clicks of a mouse and experience the ease of use that we offer. Take a few minutes and see what your signage could look like. We recommend that people who have created signage in the past try it again - you might get some new ideas - and have some fun. You’ll have a whole new experience. It couldn’t be easier, go to and look for

free digital signage test drive

…and you’re in business.

Everybody, current subscribers and visitors, will find the site easy to navigate and easy to use. We have alot of great examples of how StrandVision Digital Signage is being used in a number of organizations and we’re making it easier for subscribers to log in and manage their signage.

We’ve also made it easier to explore and find new ways to get the most out of your signage. We’ll be concentrating on this aspect even more over the next few months as we build a StrandVision community that let’s people share their ideas and designs, get special pre-formatted pages for holidays, birthdays, etc. and access all of the tools that make StrandVision Digital Signage administration a breeze and viewing a pleasure. Take a look at the site. You’ll find a fresh look. Visit


StrandVision Web Redesign Drives Reseller Referrals

We’ve updated our referral system to automatically deliver referrals directly back to you… (read more)

Digital Designs

Luther Midelfort Projects the Future - Honors Nurses

Luther Midelfort, part of the Mayo Health System, wants to let visitors know about its building expansion progress, as well as the value of its employees. Digital signage carries the messages… (read more)

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2024, StrandVision, LLC

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