Digital Signage News
Back-of-House Digital Signage
This lesser-known digital signage niche, used for employee communication, can yield vast opportunities for companies…
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Timely Templates
Warm up with StrandVision Seasonal Templates
February is a month for the heart with Valentines Day and American Heart Month. March offers a well-deserved break from winter with the first day of spring and the change in daylight savings. Let your viewers know by adding these colorful images… (Visit Forum)
Tips & Techniques
Proper Setup of Your Business Hours
It's easy to set your business hours and to take advantage of StrandVision's "night mode" screen saver. Learn how to set the business hours for the maximum benefit… (read more)
Four Things to Consider when Adding Digital Signage
There are hundreds of digital signage companies in the world today. It is important to offer your customers the stability of a provider that will be around for years to come. Here are four things to consider when looking to partner with a digital signage provider.… (read more)
Digital Designs
CVTC Promotes College Transfer Day
Chippewa Valley Technical College promotes college transfer day with style… (See the sample)