Digital Signage News
Fostering a Relationship with a Digital Signage Company
StrandVision was recently featured in Sign Builder Illustrated. The article discussed our approach to offering full-featured installations and support. It focused on our digital signage offerings for employee communications, as well as future directions for the technology… (read more)
Timely Templates
Childhood Cancer and Obesity Awareness
September is Childhood Obesity and Cancer Awareness Month. These images remind us to keep our children active and to remember their regularly scheduled checkups… (Visit Forum)
Tips & Techniques
StrandVision Adds Real-Time Digital Signage Administration
StrandVision has introduced a new account management, monitoring and reporting feature on its administrative console that provides a comprehensive status overview of all of the StrandVision Digital Signage player networks at a glance. Inactivity, network or player problems are highlighted and instant emails are sent to designated technical administrators if the need arises.… (read more)
Digital Signage on the Move
This month we direct you one of Mike's articles on Vertical Systems Reseller (VSR) online where he discusses an interesting digital signage application - 10' long, GPS-enabled digital signs on the outsides of buses. This is an innovative and unique application of StrandVision technology… (read more)