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Quarter 2 2015, Vol 10, Issue 2 Visit Site | Login | Share | Contact |
Digital Signage NewsStrandVision Offers Safety and Personal Finance Tips in Employee Communication Animated TemplatesWe recently rolled out two additional sets of employee communication electronic signage page templates. These libraries offer Safety and Personal Finance tips for employees and customers. The Communication Library feature included with all subscriptions now offers 5 of the 15 planned categories, each including approximately 50 attractive digital signage templates with supporting graphics and animated text dealing with the user selected topics from the category… (see samples) Tips & TechniquesWe're Now Offering a Video Channel with Training Tips on How to Use StrandVision Electronic SignageStrandVision Digital Signage has set up a video channel that offers short, targeted, information sessions and tutorials on our service. Topics include specific electronic signage features and general digital signage topics, including installation, content design and visitor / employee communication recommendations. These training clips complement our scheduled Webinar training sessions that offer a broad overview of StrandVision’s capabilities and how to use our online administrator portal... (read more)Summer HoursStrandVision Goes Virtual on FridaysStrandVision rewards it's employees for 12+ years of unfailingly serving digital signage customers by offering Fridays off (while electronically on call) starting in May… (read more) |
Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 4.4%-5.0%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 3.5MB-237ps(73%), OPC 80.6MB-360ps(100%), Time:0.18413 secs