StrandVision Digital Signage

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Here is your June StrandVision Digital Signage newsletter
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June 2014, Vol 9, Issue 6 Visit Site | Login | Share | Contact

Digital Signage News

StrandVision's Video Capabilities for Digital Media Players

Digital Signage, published by New Bay Media and one of the leading digital signage publications, recently wrote about the StrandVision Automatic DVD/Looping Video Playback for Digital Media Players announcement… (read more)

Survey Results

StrandVision Survey - Outstanding Response Rate - Valuable Feedback

Last week StrandVision conducted a survey of some of our active customers to gauge their interest in several topics to gain insights as we develop some new custom digital signage templates for employee communications and motivation. The early results are outstanding with a response rate of more than 12% - an exceptional return! Thanks to all who participated. If you haven’t completed the survey yet it’s still available at the URL that our graphic designer Scott sent to you last week. Here are some of the preliminary findings... (read more)

Timely Templates

Be Successful!

This month you can share with your viewers some thoughts about making things happen for themselves and your business… (Visit Forum)

Tips & Techniques

You Can Easily Add Live Web Pages to Your StrandVision Digital Signage

It’s easy to add Web pages to your digital signage page mix. Our new no-cost, add-on capability automatically polls, formats, presents and updates Web pages directly from the Internet. All you have to do is select the page type on your console and the StrandVision cloud servers take care of the rest… (read more)


Digital Signage Meeting Room and Event "Reader Boards" Can Be a Great Offering

You know those electronic signs that you see outside of conference rooms showing who’s meeting now and upcoming events in hotels, restaurants, corporate offices, municipal buildings, colleges, churches – anywhere? Previously, they were out of reach to small businesses. Now those "Reader Boards" are within reach for nearly every type of organization. Read about how you can benefit… (read more)

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2024, StrandVision, LLC

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