StrandVision Digital Signage

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StrandVision Digital Signage Survey

Outstanding Response Rate - Valuable Feedback

After only a few days the StrandVision customer electronic signage survey has had a terrific response rate and delivered some insightful returns.

Not surprisingly, based on the survey sample universe, almost 90% of the respondents use their StrandVision Digital Signage for Employee Communications, with Visitor Communications following as the second most important communications goal.

We also found that most administrators are quite active with 87% of you updating your slides at least weekly which we are very pleased to see since that is a key part of keeping content fresh and viewers watching your business marketing messages.

We were also interested to find that the full range of content topics listed in question #4 were pretty much equally important on the aggregate level. Although these results will be used by our design team for our new animated digital signage content, we find this to be a testimony to the flexibility of StrandVision Digital Signage and the electronic signage messages that our customers are already delivering to their viewers.

Animated Digital Signage Content Template Categories It’s worth noting that a majority of you listed Team Building, Quality Control, Company Image, Company Morale, Ethical Standards, Environmental Responsibility, Ethnic Diversity, First Aid/Safety and Health/Wellness as being "Very Important."

As far as additional information sources that you would like to see, the responses were as varied as the industries that you represent. We learned that we need to better communicate our digital signage system's capabilities and the resources available to you. Many of the requests for additional content sources are already available through the StrandVision cloud or can be easily added from outside or from your company data resources. We’ll be working on that over the coming months in many ways including web, social media and videos. In the meantime, we have added helpful links to each topic on the chart below. Also, if you need help or have something that you want to add to your signage mix, give us a call at 715-235-SIGN (7446) or email us mjstrandweb at – there’s a good chance that we’ll be able to tell you how to add the resource on the spot – and usually it won't cost a thing.

Note Click on any bar below to see the StrandVision solution.

Importance of Digital Signage to Business Marketing How to make content diverse and retain the interest of your viewers Learn one way to have your viewers intereact with your signage StrandVision is well suited for cost effective display to one screen or screens around the world We do not have emailing capability yet, but are planning on it with our people database Click this link to add your signage to your web site for free Customizable Animated Templates is the new feature we are working on We just introduced People Pages with Automatic Birthday and Anniversary Display Learn how to activate emergency messages to override your digital signage StrandVision supports International Languages as Digital Signage Content Finally, we were not surprised that many of you are interested to see upgraded graphics. This, after all, was the purpose of the survey – to give us guidance as we develop a new comprehensive set of animated digital signage content on the topics that we were asking about. Stay tuned. We hope to be able to begin rolling out these new customizable graphics and content in the next few months.

Thanks again for your participation. Also, I want to remind you that we’re recruiting members for our StrandVision Customer Advisory Board to help guide us as we strive to continually enhance your user experience. Let us know if you’d like to join or get further information by emailing mjstrandweb at or calling 715-235-SIGN (7446).

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2024, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

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