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  5. Easily Add Live Web Pages to Your StrandVision Digital Signage

Easily Add Live Web Pages to Your StrandVision Digital Signage

It's easy to add Web pages to your digital signage page mix

StrandVision Digital Signage recently announced an enhanced method to capture Web page content from the Internet and intranets, automatically format it and merge it into your digital media player presentations.

This capability offers many opportunities for you to capture dynamic Web applications and link them directly into StrandVision Digital Signage content. This includes near-real-time transportation schedules with expected arrival times and traffic maps, for display in public areas and for employee communications.

How It Works

Our StrandVision cloud-based digital signage Web page facility captures Web pages, immediately converts them to images for display through our cloud server and distributes them to your local media players as needed. The system pre-loads and captures the Web page so that the content displays immediately rather than waiting for information to be gathered from the source Web site. You can specify the delays to ensure that Web sites are fully loaded in the background before they are captured. The pages are captured and formatted to match your digital media player display orientation. You can also securely enter and store log-in information so password-protected sites can be included as sources. There are also some layout options such as ways to offset portions of the pages to better utilize the screen region resources and highlight certain sections.

Web Page Capture also takes advantage of the capabilities of many corporate and enterprise systems, as well as other specific business applications, which typically can generate Web page output. With this new enhancement, the StrandVision system can take charts, graphs or other details from many of your standard business systems and capture them for display on its digital signage player. This opens up a world of possibilities for Human Resources, operations, production, finance, safety and other corporate departments.

Web Page Capture complements StrandVision's previously available streaming weather and radar displays and its local and national new services - all of which are still available to you. It also provides another option to StrandVision's ability to capture and convert RSS feeds and its extensive database-to-digital signage conversion capabilities.

Easy Set-up

The no-cost Web Page Capture add-on is available immediately on your administrator console. We've added the Web Page Capture selection as a "New Page Type" in the "Modify Pages" section of your Content Management System (CMS) portal through either the "Modify Pages" or "Add Pages" selections. All you have to do is select the "Web Page Capture" page type, give it a name, put in the URL and make the other selections. You can use the Top and Bottom offset selections to mask (hide) unnecessary portions of the page.

You can specify the update frequency. However, refresh rates of less than 15 minutes will require that you have a StrandVision Linux digital media player.

It's that easy and free. All you have to do is think about what information you'd like to add to your StrandVision signage network. We know it'll be helpful and we're interested in hearing how you use this new Web Page Capture capability. Please drop Mike Strand a note at mjstrandweb at to let him know what Web resources you've pulled into your network.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 9.4%-0.0%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 4.5MB-347ps(78%), OPC 82.9MB-306ps(100%), Time:0.18936 secs