Have you ever wanted to really get an important message across to your visitors, employees or associates? As you know, everyone has a lot going on and it can take several minutes before a signage page gets displayed, so it is easy to be missed.
By using the free news feed crawl capability in your StrandVision account, you can display a message across the bottom of the screen constantly while the other content continues to run. It is easy to do and helps keep your important messages displayed all the time. This video shows how to add a static text message or contact StrandVision support at 715-235-SIGN (7446) or www.strandvision.com for instructions on how to add an RSS news feed to your digital signage content.
If you do not have a digital signage account from StrandVision, you can create a free digital signage account for 30 days with no payment information requested and no obligation at http://www.strandvision.com/free_digital_signage_software_testdrive.html.
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