StrandVision Digital Signage

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Become A Content Partner

How to Become a Content Development Partner

Content Developer Program Details

StrandVision Digital Signage customers are often smaller companies that have graphic design needs that go beyond the standard capabilities of digital signage. The StrandVision Digital Signage content development program is designed to give all customers great looking signage that is updated regularly and has a consistent message. Customers can select from a menu of standard prices (essentially a pre-paid retainer for you) or they can work with you for custom projects that your company can offer. This program connects you to many new customers around the world and will also connect you with resellers who may be able to promote your services to even more customers.

Requirements for the program:

  • The StrandVision Digital Signage content developer program is limited to approved companies that have proven capabilities in graphic design, customer communications and consistent messaging and project follow through.
  • Application is required (call and ask for sales to apply).
  • Your web site will be heavily reviewed. Ensure that your web site is representative of your organization.
  • Provide two client references for us to contact with a brief description of the work you provided to them.
  • Provide five samples of advertisements that you have done in the past.
  • If you have video production capability, provide 2 video clips (less than 30 seconds each).
  • If you have flash animation capability, provide 2 samples (preferably running on a web site)
  • Your proposal on how to compensate StrandVision and StrandVision resellers. We typically receive 15% of all fees that are paid to you by the customer. These are normally paid on a monthly basis. We will handle distributing 30% of these payments to the reseller channel.

If your application is accepted, you will be placed on our content developer partner area. You will need to provide:

  • Your company contact information.
  • Your company logo.
  • A pricing package for a specific number of new messages that are updated quarterly, monthly and weekly. This should be done so that the customer does not need to interact with you to make the updates (the customer must have the option however). We typically recommend that you email the customer your proposal for changes/additions, give them 3 days to respond. If they dont respond, you automatically implement the changes to their signage account.
  • A proposed web page that describes what you are offering and your package pricing.
  • A short agreement that lists the details of your program including the process you will take and what you expect of the customer. This must be signed by both you and your customer with a copy going to StrandVision.
  • Create a new free trial signage account with a different email address (contact us if you do not have another one available)
  • Create 5 to 10 different signage pages on this new account.
  • We will set this new account up as a master account and show your signage on your web page.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 6.4%-0.0%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 2.4MB-377ps(81%), OPC 80.1MB-323ps(100%), Time:0.18818 secs