StrandVision Digital Signage

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  3. What is Digital Signage?
  4. Background, History and Purpose

Background, History and Purpose

An overview of the Digital Signage Industry

Digital signage is a relatively new form of business marketing that allows businesses to use television screens to convey information, commercials, or anything else of their choosing to people in their facilities. From malls to restaurants, airports to post offices, digital signage is sweeping the business marketing world.

Where did it start?

Signs have been around since human beings first began expressing themselves by drawing in caves. Signs developed throughout the centuries as an important part of communicating, merchants soon discovered the use of carvings, bright paint and ornamental iron would draw in more customers than their competition.

The use of signs for promotional purposes has always been around with shopkeepers ensuring their name was above the door of their business, however in 1929 when a car salesman in the US ordered the first neon signs, a new revolution in signage began.

More developments such as LED lighting were developed. For the first time, this allowed signs that could carry different messages such as 'road open' or 'road closed' and became an extremely valuable tool in road safety.

Indoor Digital Signage

Indoor digital signage on television screens was first used in the 1970’s in stores with VCRs and televisions to attract customers but it was always on a closed circuit system and everything was pre-recorded. It wasn’t until recent years that companies were able to display high quality content that was supported by a broadband internet connection.

An Exciting New Opportunity

Digital signage and interactive screens are still relatively new. Since the digital signage market is continuing to evolve rapidly, people are just starting to realize the potential digital signage has. This kind of business marketing could revolutionize the consumer market in just a few years. We have all seen the huge screens in places like Times Square and Las Vegas, but now, they are everywhere, directing you in places that you may or may not want to go. Even five years ago, this business marketing medium was too expensive - considering large format LCD and Plasma screens were either experimental technology or way too costly.

The Future is Now

Now, thanks to the availability of high speed internet and lower cost computers and screens, a large digital signage opportunity has emerged, and much of it is delivered on the internet. Companies are getting joined together and see the same information because of this kind of technology. These networks along with better digital signage software are helping to maximize effectiveness and, ultimately, profit. Don't be surprised if your cell phone will become a new form of digital signage in the near future.

If current trend continues, we may see the demise of previous signage innovations such as neon and LED as it is replaced by this exciting new business marketing medium - digital signage.



StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 11.7%-20.5%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 4.5MB-245ps(74%), OPC 81.9MB-319ps(100%), Time:0.18400 secs