The Mooresville-South Iredell (North Carolina) Chamber of Commerce has jumped into digital signage in a big way with StrandVision Digital Signage software. They bought the system through Kevin Shank of Sanda, Inc., one of StrandVision’s leading systems integrators. The Chamber shows a series of pages in its office. They’ve also inserted a StrandVision Digital Signage window on their Web site,, to bring the same information to a wider viewership.
The Mooresville-South Iredell Chamber of Commerce recently conducted a strategic marketing analysis to look at every aspect of the Chamber's marketing and communications.
The Chamber realized that they could do more to support their 1,100 members. Explained Karen Shore, President and CEO, "We have several communications vehicles, from newsletters, to radio and television, to our Web site. We want to use every tool we can to support our members by helping them promote their businesses."
She continued, "We also have many visitors stop by the office who are interested in moving to the area. We want to give them a great experience, useful information and a good feeling about our local business community."
During the analysis, local business owner Kevin Shank of Sanda, Inc., introduced the marketing task force to StrandVision Digital Signage software - an innovative way to present dynamic information on television monitors in the Chamber office.
The Chamber decided to install two flat-screen digital signage displays in the office - a 25" screen in the front lobby and a 40" screen in another public room where gatherings are held.
Sylvia Spury, Community Development Manager, is responsible for maintaining the digital signage content. She also manages the Chamber's Web site and publishes the newsletter.
The StrandVision Digital Signage communicates a wide range of information. Sylvia posts notices of the day's and week's events, shows photos from past events and sponsored advertising. Commented Sylvia, "The TV gets more attention and people stop to watch it."
She uses several of StrandVision's advanced display features, such as split screen, scrolling text, and countdown, in anticipation of upcoming events such as the July 4th celebration and the 2009 Business Expo. Using StrandVision scheduling, she also automatically posts and removes pages as events approach and pass.
Her training consisted of about 15 minutes with Kevin, who showed her the basics. She said, "StrandVision looks great and it's easy to run. Next day I just started using it. I especially like that you can work on a page, store it, work on it again or add it to the page mix at a later time. I enjoy doing it. I think it's great."
Mooresville is also taking advantage of a unique StrandVision feature. It is running the signage on the Chamber's Web site. The latest information is always available without having to physically update the Web. The Web shows the same information that's being shown in the office. "We used to have a photo slide show with one caption on the site, but StrandVision is much more flexible," said Sylvia.
"Companies that sponsor business after hours are also featured on our Web site," explained Karen. "It really expands their reach and helps us interest more sponsors."
Future plans call for more marketing opportunities for members through banner advertising and sponsorships.
Commented Kevin, "It's great to see the Chamber take advantage of so many of StrandVision's features. They're really making it pay for their members."