StrandVision Digital Signage

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Affordable Digital Signage Player Systems

A digital signage player provides an organization with an alternative to traditional advertising such as newspapers, television and billboards. Digital advertising offers the flexibility of being able to provide new content on a regular basis which can be changed through the software application and once applied immediately updates the digital displays.

The use of digital advertising can provide organizations with an affordable marketing solution since there is no need to provide finalized copies of new information to traditional advertising sources or the creating of new commercials. Digital signage player systems are available in different set ups depending upon an organization's budget. Basic systems only require the use of an existing computer with internet access, an online subscription, and the digital sign used to display the advertising message.

Advanced digital signage player systems can consist of a dedicated server, special software licenses and a full time employee to maintain the information. These types of advanced systems are more expensive to maintain and the use of less expensive solutions is possible, which often can be maintained by administrative staff with basic training and no advanced experienced required.

Digital advertising can be used in a variety of different places including outdoor digital billboards, grocery stores, doctors' offices, shopping centers, retail stores and trade shows. Digital signage player systems can be designed to allow for single image display switching, text, graphics and video playback with or without sound. The systems can be designed to include other information such as local weather, local news or other information to enhance advertising.

Digital billboards can have new images updated on a regular basis on only require that the sign have either a wired or wireless internet connection to the server providing the content. The organization which leases the digital billboard can use their digital signage player system to offer new content immediately without having to wait for the billboard to be updated with new paper advertisements from the host computer and once completed can immediately be activated.

Grocery stores and other retail outlets which use digital signage play systems can display current sales on products, special promotions, one-day sales items, and upcoming events being offered by the store. Grocery stores which feature cooking demonstrations can use the system to post the schedule of what items are being prepared and at what times to increase attendance and store sales of the items used in the demonstrations.

Digital signage player systems can also provide additional revenue resources for organizations by allowing other local businesses to advertise their products or services on your system. Doctors' offices can feature advertisements about new medical products, over-the-counter medications, upcoming free clinics, and other health news about diet and nutrition while patients wait to be called back for their appointments.

Digital signage player systems are available from StrandVision, which starts at basic monthly subscription services which cost less than $60. Visitors to the website can test drive the software for free for the industry of their choice and experience how the system can improve advertising for their organization. For more information or to discuss establishing digital signage solutions call to speak with a qualified representative.


StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 9.3%-7.3%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 4.4MB-245ps(74%), OPC 81.9MB-320ps(100%), Time:0.18778 secs