StrandVision Digital Signage

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Corporate Communication

Organizations often have important information which needs to be communicated to employees in an effective manner and delivery system. Employee communication can be sent through email, printed newsletters hand delivered, or on the corporate Intranet site. These methods allow for some employees to not receive announcements for several reasons and may not be the best method to provide effective corporate communications.

Employees with email access often receive many email messages throughout the work day and can become overloaded with work related items requiring immediate responses or updates and can skip over corporate communications because they are not always deemed important. Email employee communication can be effective when the messages are not important and announce an event which is several weeks away, but for immediate communications there are better methods including digital signage systems.

Printed newsletters again present a problem when an employee does not check their mail box for several days. Companies often have mail rooms deliver internal communications to a group of boxes in each work area and it is the responsibility of the employee to check their own box. Posting information on the corporate Intranet can be useful but all employees may not have access to the site or have the time to visit each day. Employee communication is better relayed when shared over digital signage systems in the break rooms and on the work floor because the information can be updated instantaneously.

Digital signage systems in the break room can announce upcoming work sponsored events, special visitors in the building, reminders for training or meetings, as well as weather, stock quotes and local news. Employee communications on the work floor using digital signage systems can be used to post production statistics, sales figures, special awards received by employees, the number of calls on hold, or any other important information which needs to be shared immediately.

The use of digital signage systems on the work floor can lead to increased production, reduced errors and higher quality of phone support because the information can be displayed to all employees. Employee communication announcing when a certain group or department has reached pre-established goals can create internal competition between groups to have their group highlighted on the digital signage systems.

Companies can use the digital signage system for employee communications which provide recognition for employees of the month, special reward incentives currently being offered, human resources information, emergency announcements and evacuation plans. The in-house displays can include videos with or without sound in addition to single rotating images with text.

Employee communications using digital signage software is available from StrandVision, which allows companies to test drive the product right on their website. Once a visitor completes the test drive, they can register for a free account and download a free trail of the software. During the software trial period the company had the opportunity to explore all the possibilities this communication system offers as well as obtain assistance with questions and additional features from a support representative. For further questions or assistance with downloading the free trial software, call .

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 8.6%-0.0%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 2.2MB-378ps(81%), OPC 80.2MB-326ps(100%), Time:0.18887 secs