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StrandVision Debuts Free Digital Signage Quick Response Codes

Allows StrandVision subscribers to automatically add smart phone-readable QR codes to any digital signage page…


MENOMONIE, Wis. - Aug. 30, 2011 - StrandVision Digital Signage today announced that it has integrated smart phone-readable Quick Response (QR) codes into its digital signage offering. StrandVision has incorporated a QR code generation tool into its online digital signage software administration console.

To add the capability, subscribers simply make their selection and the familiar QR code is automatically generated and added to the page that is viewed by the public on their digital signage player. By scanning the QR code with their mobile smart phone, viewers interact with the StrandVision subscriber's digital signage network in any number of ways - visit Web sites, send messages, or receive coupons. The system allows StrandVision subscribers additional feedback (and sales opportunities) through their more traditional marketing venues.

Building on a Barcode Legacy

Adding QR codes is a natural extension for StrandVision since it is the second startup for founder and CEO Mike Strand. He previously founded StrandWare, and built it to become one of the leading barcode labeling software companies in the world. He sold the company prior to starting his StrandVision Digital Signage venture over eight years ago.

"As soon as I saw the more than 10-year-old QR codes evolve to be decoded by smart phones, I realized their potential as a digital signage application to give immediate and direct response to our customers' digital signage promotions," Strand commented. "We revised some old code to work with our Web-based console so our customers can add them as easily as adding text or a picture. Best of all, the new capability is included as a free digital signage software add-on to all subscribers."

Free Digital Signage QR Codes

Several Ways to Interact

The QR code add-on enables StrandVision subscribers to add the code to virtually any page in order to direct viewers to Web pages, bookmark pages, dial telephone numbers and send text messages or emails. Once connected to the Web, viewers can download coupons or access location-specific promotions making the digital signage player an interactive communications medium.

Typical ways that StrandVision subscribers can add QR codes include creating links from their company information, mission, logo and/or hours digital signage pages. Under the StrandVision system, these pages automatically use account information to open a Web page, bookmark a Web page, or call the listed phone number. Subscribers simply enable the appropriate QR code function and the symbol is instantly added to the digital signage.

For photo and text pages, subscribers can select a dropdown menu in the Add/Modify pages section and enter the phone, email or URL address. Existing pages can be easily modified to add QR codes. RSS feeds and licensed content can code a link to the source article.

"QR codes open a whole new arena for digital signage," said Strand. "We think that it is a melding of technologies that plays perfectly with the way people are using mobile communications. It is the next step in digital signage interactivity."

About StrandVision

StrandVision LLC, based in Menomonie, Wisconsin, delivers low-cost, Web-based digital signage software through a patented Software as a Service (SaaS) approach that delivers content to subscribers' LCD flat panel screens, as well as computer screens and websites. StrandVision's service distributes text and graphics pages, video content and national and local weather and news. It is ideal for many large and small business marketing applications, including medical and dental offices (patient education); banks, retailers and industrial distributors (video merchandising); education (student communication, staff and visitor information); employee break rooms (employee communication of events and benefits); non-profit and religious organizations (member and supporter communications).

StrandVision also offers, a fully digital, high-definition (HD) video extender to connect a computer to a television over long distances for use with digital signage and many other applications.

StrandVision Digital Signage services and are available directly from StrandVision and through registered affiliates and system integrators. Additional information about StrandVision Digital Signage is available at, or emailing sales at


All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

EDITORS: For further information:

Mike Strand
StrandVision Digital Signage
6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
715-235-SIGN (7446)
mjstrandweb at

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

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