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  4. IMG Distributes StrandVision Electronic Noticeboard Services in Australia

IMG Distributes StrandVision Electronic Noticeboard Services in Australia

First installation is at Premier Villages’ Tarneit Skies Retirement Village…


MOUNT WAVERLEY, Victoria, Australia - April 12, 2007 - StrandVision LLC of Eau Claire, Wis., USA and Independent Management Group Pty Ltd (IMG) of Mount Waverley today jointly announced that IMG is distributing StrandVision’s hosted digital signage (electronic noticeboard) service in the Australian market.

Premiere Villages Screen

IMG’s first sale was to Premier Villages for the new Tarneit Skies Retirement Village. The noticeboard system provides community club and activity notices, weather and news, and village bylaw and management notices. It also features resident photos from social events, as well as local advertising. The electronic noticeboard is distributed over the village MATV (Master Antenna Television) system and will also be distributed over two 42" LCD TVs in public areas once the village community centre is completed.

IMG staff searched for an effective, cost-efficient noticeboard system. Explained Mark Harrington, IMG technology director, "We had a specific requirement for a noticeboard system that is easy to administer by the retirement village staff and can easily be connected to the MATV network. It had to be affordable and easy for both installation and ongoing operation. We found that StrandVision met the criteria and was much less expensive than other electronic noticeboards targeted to the retirement industry."

Innovative Internet-based approach

StrandVision takes an innovative approach by offering an Internet-based service that distributes real-time information to televisions, LCD or plasma screens over the organization’s existing television or computer network. The system at Tarneit Skies consists of an Internet-connected personal computer that feeds into the MATV network. Residents select the noticeboard channel on their televisions to review announcements on their personal TVs or any television on the property. In addition to the information channels, a news ticker display is available for emergency announcements.

As an Internet-hosted service, StrandVision Digital Signage offers local control of the content, design and presentation, while maintaining 24X7 professional systems management by StrandVision of the content delivery to each site. The Internet approach also allows organizations with widely dispersed, even worldwide, locations to centrally manage the network without having to "touch" the individual sites.

"The StrandVision Digital Signage system is a great tool for easily promoting the day, time and place of all of the scheduled village community activities to residents. The village staff will have no trouble updating the information or broadcasting important announcements throughout the village within minutes," continued Harrington.

"We’re pleased to have connected with IMG for Australian distribution," said Mike Strand, StrandVision founder and CEO. "It is a technically sophisticated company with an in-depth understanding of the retirement market. They provide excellent local services in support of our Internet-based service."

IMG is distributing StrandVision Digital Signage services to the Australian retirement industry and to hotels, retailers, commercial companies and other organizations that require low-cost, easy-to-administer electronic noticeboards. For more information visit, call 03 9803 9704, or email

About StrandVision

StrandVision LLC, previously Online-Kiosks, delivers low-cost, high-availability hosted digital signage services through a patent-pending, Internet-based approach that eliminates the need for complex and expensive onsite hardware. It delivers content directly to subscribers’ televisions, including LCD and plasma displays, and computer screens. StrandVision’s Web-based service makes it easy to set up, maintain and quickly distribute text messages and graphics, including advertisements, video content, and national and local weather and news. It is ideal for medical and dental offices (patient education), banks, retailers and industrial distributors (video merchandising), employee break rooms (events and benefits), nonprofit and religious organizations (client and supporter communications), and other applications. StrandVision Digital Signage services are available directly from StrandVision and through registered affiliates and system integrators ( Additional information about StrandVision and a free trial subscription are available at, by calling or emailing sales at


All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

EDITORS: For further information:

Mike Strand
StrandVision Digital Signage
6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
715-235-SIGN (7446)
mjstrandweb at

Mark Harrington
03 9803 9704

More information:

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

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