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  4. April, 2007
  5. Use Split Screens to Deliver Your Sign’s Full Potential

Use Split Screens to Deliver Your Sign’s Full Potential

StrandVision Digital Signage split screens are a great way to present interesting, informative slides…

StrandVision split screens are an effective electronic signage feature for subscribers at the Streaming Video or highter package level. If you have the Free Trial, you can preview the capability as well. This article outlines the steps to add split screen capability to your digital signage presentation.

  1. Log into your full or Free Trial account. If you don’t have one yet, click here to try it for free and complete all 5 steps. (No payment information is asked.)
  2. If you do not already have pages setup, click on the the Signage Pages, Add Pages link.
  3. When you are finished, click Preview All to view the slides that you’ve created.
  4. Next, select Signage Pages, Modify Signage. You will see a listing of the slides that are in your account. Notice the asterisk (*) to the left of each slide. This indicates that the slide is active.
  5. Next, select the Your Company, Preferences menu option. This displays several options for your signage system (set to Advanced User Mode to see all the options).
    Preferences Screen
  1. Set "Split Screen Enabled" select Yes. This will turn on the split screen option for the display group you have selected (and below). If you are in Advanced user mode, take note of the "Default Screen Region" which allows you to move all the pages from the default left (top for vertical) to the right/bottom side. Remember, you must select Advanced in order to change the default screen region. Once you make your changes in Advanced mode, you can go back to Beginner or Intermediate without losing your settings.
  2. Click Save at the bottom.
  3. Available Pages
  4. Next, return to the Modify Signage area. Now, you will notice left-pointing arrow (<<) next to each page. This indicates that the slides will show on the left (or top) side of the screen. Since all of the pages are set to the same side of the screen, for now, they will all show in the full screen format.
  5. Pick a slide by highlighting it in the slide list. Next, with the slide highlighted, go to the "Screen Position" field and select Right/Bttom. Do the same for another slide.
  6. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
  7. After you save, you will notice that the two slides that have the "Right" Screen Position now have an arrow pointing to the right (>>).
  8. Select Preview All. You will see the split screen presentation. Notice the countdown timer for each of the split screens. You can control the dwell time, the schedule and other presentation aspects through the menu for each slide.

We hope you find this to be an interesting and helpful feature. As always, feel free to call or email sales at with your questions or comments.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 13.1%-7.5%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 7.6MB-347ps(78%), OPC 82.9MB-306ps(100%), Time:0.19255 secs