StrandVision Digital Signage

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  5. Tips from a Pro on Selling StrandVision Digital Signage

Tips from a Pro on Selling StrandVision Digital Signage

Kevin Shank of SANDA, Inc., a successful StrandVision reseller, shares some of his techniques

StrandVision recently caught up with Kevin Shank of SANDA, Inc. and asked him how he goes about selling StrandVision Digital Signage systems.

Kevin wanted to expand his business offerings and felt that digital signage was a natural product extension for his current customers in manufacturing, finance/banking, insurance, health/doctors/chiropractors, and other small businesses that had bought computer and networking services from him in the past.

Kevin found StrandVision on the Web and decided to go with us after reviewing offerings from large networking and technology companies, such as Cisco and 3M as well as systems targeted to just retail or restaurants/bars, and even onsite software solutions. He decided on StrandVision because we offer a robust system with attractive prices and personal support. It helped that he had worked with Mike Strand when Mike ran StrandWare, a barcode software company.

He also based his decision on four factors -- Ease of installation, Ease of management, Reliability and Flexibility -- that he believed were the keys to customer satisfaction and his ability to run a manageable and profitable new line of business.

Now he is actively selling StrandVision in both North and South Carolina. Kevin jumped in with both feet. He immediately started contacting existing customers to make them aware of his expanded offerings. He also offered StrandVision to local Chambers of Commerce closing an early sale with Mooresville - South Iredell, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce. He expects to leverage this sale into additional business with Chamber members.

In addition to contacting existing customers and business associates, he and his staff are also cold calling up to 20 area businesses and institutions a day.

When he makes contact he is fully prepared. Using StrandVision’s online digital signage free trial capability, he creates a customized digital sign for the prospect. He either sends the fully developed demo link in an email or loads it onto his laptop for personal visits. If a wired or wireless Internet connection is available, he logs on to the StrandVision site to conduct the live demo, show the Web interface and demonstrate the design features. The demos immediately and clearly show prospects the ease of use and the marketing/communications potential of the medium.

As an added bonus, he uses the free trial to show them how to operate the StrandVision Digital Signage demo themselves and leaves the log in information with them so they can play with the digital sign for the free trial period.

Kevin is replacing home-grown PowerPoint slide systems that are difficult to update and maintain, as well as straight cable TV screens in waiting rooms. When he finds car dealership service areas that are showing cable TV programming on flat screen TV’s, for instance, he asks the prospects what they are trying to accomplish with the video system. He then suggests that, rather than just showing TV programs, they could also promote their products and services on a digital signage system which is combined with the traditional television programming. This will accomplish their advertising objectives with a receptive audience in their own waiting room.

Kevin Shank and SANDA, Inc. tailor the selling process to each prospect’s needs and, in the process, demonstrate StrandVision’s flexibility to meet their communications objective. They’re off to a fast start with StrandVision and their techniques could help others find the same success.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 3.7%-12.5%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 3.2MB-240ps(73%), OPC 81.0MB-364ps(100%), Time:0.19633 secs