We invite you to attend the upcoming 2008 InfoComm Show in Las Vegas and stop by the StrandVision booth (#N7058). The show is open from Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. through Friday at 4:00 p.m. (June 18-20, 2008). We are offering you FREE ADMISSION to the tradeshow.
Please go to the show site at www.Infocommshow.org and select the registration link in the LEFT pane. Here's the direct link to the registration page: http://registration.expoexchange.com/ShowINF081. Follow the instructions and you will be asked to enter your VIP CODE#. Enter VMAE1 to get into the show at no cost. We recommend that you complete this registration immediately rather than wait for the June 11, 2008 online registration cut-off date. The earlier the better, so you won't have to wait in the long registration lines on site.
What time/date will you be at the show? Simply select a time for a meeting and let us know at: http://www.strandvision.com/?tradeshowsignup.
We look forward to visiting with you and sharing the latest StrandVision product information.
Your FREE PASS will include:
Admission to the Exposition for ALL 3 days of InfoComm 2008
Admission to the NXTcomm08 Exhibition
Opportunity to network at Industry events including the Manufacturers' Forum, Opening Reception & NSCAs Expo Jam
FREE Show Guide & Show Dailies
Feel free to share this VIP CODE #: VMAE1 with anyone (e.g., customers, partners, co-workers, etc.) who may be interested in attending this trade show in Las Vegas. Remember to bring your registration with you to the show!
Also, if you need a hotel, I have a customer who may assist you with the cost and close hotel locations. Simply give me a call at and I'll get you the information.
See you there!