StrandVision Digital Signage

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  4. March, 2009
  5. WestHealth Presents Corporate Values through Digital Signage

WestHealth Presents Corporate Values through Digital Signage

February Digital Designs Recognition from StrandVision

WestHealth has a distinctive corporate look that is presented on its Web site and carried through its collateral materials and digital signage. The StrandVision signage is located in a public lobby that serves other, mostly medical, building tenants, so the messages have to be concise. The uncluttered, easy-to-read pages present public information and corporate messages. The samples below demonstrate the clear approach that WestHealth takes in informing patients and visitors.


Quality of Care promoted


Caring for Patients


Showing Company Values

Installer/designer contact:
Joyce Rubin


(Reviews by Stacey Curtis - Stacey Curtis Design)

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 6.3%-0.0%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 4.2MB-346ps(78%), OPC 82.9MB-301ps(100%), Time:0.18618 secs