StrandVision Digital Signage

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Setup Linux Digital Signage Player Network

Config for DHCP or Static IP Addresses

StrandVision's stable and low cost linux digital signage player pc can be configured for DHCP or Static IP addresses. This document provides the details to set up the wireless network or wired network card appropriately.

Configure Linux with YAST

In order to change the network settings, you must log into the system as a root user.

  • Press Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log in as root. If you do not have your root password, contact StrandVision for details.
  • Type YAST on the command line once you are logged in.
    login as root, start yast

Configure the Ethernet Adapter for Static IP Address for On-Premise Server

  • Select Network Settings from the Network Devices menu.
    Network Settings
  • Select the proper network adapter (normally eth0) and click Alt-I to edit it
    network settings overview
  • Setup the Dynamic or Static IP Address for your network and enter a hostname of for the first StrandVision device on your network, for the second, etc. Press Alt-N to save.
    static ip network card settings
  • Press Alt-S to edit the hostname and dns entries. Enter for the first StrandVision device on your network, for the second, etc. Setup your name servers appropriately.
    network setup for dns
  • Press Alt-U to setup the routing gateway for your network.
    network setup of gateway
  • Press Alt-G to set the general preferences. Press Alt-D and select "On Cable Connection" to activate the device. Press Alt-Z and set it to the external zone.
    network zone setup
  • Press Alt-O to save and configure the network

Exit out of YAST

  • Press Alt-Q to exit out of YAST
  • Press Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back to the graphical screen

Test your network connection

  • If your signage is running full screen, press the 'W' key to drop the signage to a window. Drag it to the side for now.
  • Open up the FireFox web browser that can be found on the desktop
  • Browse to or other web sites to be sure your network connection is working.
  • Close the FireFox web browser once everything is working properly.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2024, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 6.2%-4.9%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 3.2MB-225ps(73%), OPC 78.8MB-149ps(100%), Time:0.11263 secs