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  5. StrandVision now offers multiple digital signage user levels for flexible and easy content setup

StrandVision now offers multiple digital signage user levels for flexible and easy content setup

StrandVision has three user levels that lets you choose how you work with StrandVision's page portal. Each level adds increased control over the look of your pages.

StrandVision Digital Signage now offers three digital signage content administrator skill levels that give increasing control over the look and feel of pages. The system starts all new content design administrators at the Beginner level, and most will quickly move to the Intermediate level. Truly advanced users who want ultimate control of the pages should move to the Advanced level.

What you can do

To see what options are available to you at each level for StrandVision’s page types simply select the "Digital Signage" tab and then the "Signage Content" selection from the StrandVision Digital Signage website home page. The user levels are color coded. All of the capabilities that are presented in black text are available to Beginner users; blue text options (plus all of the black text selections) are available to Intermediate users; finally, Advanced users have access to all options, including the red text options.

The level that you choose (see below for how to do that) controls the options that you see when you work with your pages. Beginners see a less extensive set of choices, which makes page administration simpler. Advanced users have control for every option and total control.

Beginner Digital Signage Content Setup

For instance, using the "Paragraph with Photo" page template, Beginners see only a limited set of selections to help them quickly set up a basic page. You’ll see the following:

  • Title: (Text Input - An optional Title to introduce your digital signage content.)
  • Paragraph Content: (Text Input)
  • Bulleted List: (Yes/No - When checked, this will add a bullet to the first 40 characters of the first 10 lines)
  • Photo/Image: (Up to 1 - Upload a photo or image that also displays with your digital signage content.)

Intermediate users will also see and be able to control:

  • Subtitle: (Text Input - The optional subtitle contains additional introduction text that is around 25% smaller than the title.)
  • Use Full Screen: (Yes/No - When checked, the paragraph will use the full screen. If not, it will display in the normal viewing area of the template.)

Intermediate Digital Signage Content Setup

While Advanced users will see the entire list of selections available to Beginner and Intermediate users plus:

  • Title Color: (Color Input - An optional HTML color setting for the title and subtitle. Leave blank to use the default heading color.)
  • Paragraph Color: (Color Input - Optional HTML color setting for the body text. Leave blank to use the default body color.)
  • Paragraph Alignment: (Left/Center/Right - Determines how your paragraph is aligned on the screen.)
  • Font Size: (Small/Medium/Large - Determines the relative size of the heading and paragraph body.)
  • Text Effect: (None/Emboss/Shadow/Shadow & Emboss - Select how your text appears on the screen.)
  • Photo/Image Position: (Random/Left/Right/Background - Select where you want your additional image to be placed on your screen.)
  • QR Code: (None/Open a Web Page/Bookmark a Web Page/Call a phone number - Create a QR code that can be used by mobile phones)

Similar choices are available for most pages as you’ll see when you review the rest of the "Signage Content" listings.

Change your user level

To change your user level, log into your StrandVision Digital Signage content account and select the "Signage Pages" tab and then "Modify Pages." Click on the "User Mode" drop down selection at the top of the page to select Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced. You will immediately be presented with the full set of page controls available at the selected level.

Try it out! You might be surprised at the powerful new options that will help you achieve the full potential of your StrandVision Digital Signage.

Sample Digital Signage Content Paragraph

StrandVision, LLC

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Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2025, StrandVision, LLC
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