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  5. Corporate Social Responsibility Animated Template Campaign

Corporate Social Responsibility Animated Template Campaign

A series of animated free digital signage content templates on social responsibilities that you can easily drop into your Digital Signage page mix.

The StrandVision Animated Template Communications Library covers 15 themes from diversity and ethics, to safety and morale, quality and time management, spanning hundreds of specific subjects. Designed for both employee communication and general public audiences, the Communications Campaign Library motivates, educates and informs digital signage viewers while demonstrating the customer organization's commitment to worthwhile personal and corporate initiatives.

The animated templates can be displayed in full-screen or in-frame formats. Administrators can control text speed and other functions, such as scheduling and expiration.

So far we've announced three topic categories: Environment, Health/Wellness, Safety / First Aid. Here are some resources for you to checkout:

  Environment Wellness SAfety
Announcement Environment Release Wellness Release Safety Release
Videos Environment Video Wellness Video Safety Video
Add To Your Signage Add Environment Page Add Wellness Page Add Safety Page

To add the templates to your account simply log into your account or sign up for a Free Digital Signage Test Drive, then click the appropriate link above to add the template library to your page mix.

Once added, you can configure the animated templates to be displayed in full-screen or in frame formats. You can control text speed and other functions, such as scheduling and expiration. You can also share the animated campaigns with other StrandVision Digital Signage subscribers using the recently announced single-click Share Page feature.

The variety of subjects, combined with the randomly assigned animations, creates a dynamic presentation that keeps people focused on the digital media player screens long after the campaign page plays.

StrandVision, LLC

6595 South Shore Drive
Altoona, WI 54720-2386
Copyright © 2003-2024, StrandVision, LLC
Protected by Patent 7,685,259

Using Obf, Server SV22-8.3-, Remote, Load: 3.8%-6.3%-8@2.7Ghz Intel Xeon E5-2680, MC 4.5MB-367ps(76%), OPC 81.6MB-283ps(100%), Time:0.06199 secs